Saturday, May 3, 2008

Ride with the devil

I watched the movie ‘Ride with the devil’ by Ang Lee yesterday. An excellent movie. I will rank it among the best of Ang Lee’s. Made with a budget of RM38 millions, it grossed only RM635,096, which is the second lowest of Ang Lee’s movies. So, I will put it as the most underrated movie of Ang Lee.

Luckily for Ang Lee and his fans, this fiasco was followed by the huge success of ‘Crouching tiger, hidden dragon’, which I think is the most overrated movie of Ang Lee’s.

The significance of watching RWTD to me, is that, with this, I have watched all Ang Lee’s feature movies. Yes, all 11 of them. A huge accomplishment for an amateur movie fan like me. And this is the first time I did it for any movie director.

So, who will be next? Definitely not Alfred Hitchcock.

Quentin Tarantino maybe.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

CTHD was too commercilized, that's why it was over-rated.

推手is one of my favourite movies.